precise poverty reduction


Comprehensive well-being! The reporter was informed that your city has achieved remarkable results in the exploration and practice of innovative precision poverty alleviation to realize comprehensive well-being. May I ask Secretary Hou, what are the characteristics of your city in this regard?
Hou Xiaochun:Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout, which enriches and develops Deng Xiaoping's "moderately affluent society" strategic concept. In order to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, the most arduous task is to fight against poverty. Poverty alleviation and development has advanced to the present day, and the most important thing is precision. Innovative and precise poverty alleviation, to realize the overall well-off, is the current and future period must crack the subject. Guang'an is the Qinba Mountain special hardship area and the western hilly area, is also the "well-off society" strategic conception of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's hometown, in-depth exploration of precision poverty alleviation of innovative practices, will be sublimated into a systematic mechanism, innovation to promote poverty alleviation and well-being is of great significance, but also for other poor areas to promote poverty alleviation, so that the fruits of development of the whole people to share. It can also provide reference for other poor areas to promote poverty alleviation and share the fruits of development with all people.

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